Telecom Site Components in brief

Site :

-it is a telephone mobile station that provides the coverage, so that people can make calls.
-it is some antennas that are connected with cables to a small room called a shelter that contains the following equipment:
*BTS ..base Tran receiver station
*Air condition (A/C)   
*Fire Alarm Box.
*Fire Sensor
*Temperature Sensor.
*Power Distribution Panel
*Cable Tray
*DC Cables
*BIB Cables.
*DDF box
*RF cables.

Power Distribution panel:
-it s a box that contains all the circuit breakers of all the equipment in the shelter from the lights to the BTS cabinet.
-It also contains the main circuit breaker.

-It also contains the timers of the air condition (a/c).
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Batteries :
-The batteries work when the current (3 phase)  is cut down so that BTS still provide coverage.
The batteries is connected to the rectifier.

-DDF box contain 5 krones which the wire is connected to :
# the Wires :
  • the BIB cable which carry the E1 to the BTS cabinets
  • The route cable which carry the E1 from the Krone of the link.
  • The PIX cable which carry the alarms to the BTS cabinet.
#The wires must be connected good so it do it’s job.
#The wire must be moving in a proper way in the box.
Cable tray for RF and DC and BIB:
-The picture shows that the RF cables must be far from the DC cable from the BIB cable
-The cables must be labeled so we can know from the look the where it come from and to where it is going.
-It is not acceptable that the cables comes cross to each other.
 Micro Wave Indoor Stand :
-The stand contains the microwave link and it’s DDF.
-The link connect the site to the another site or to the BSC through the microwave dishes.
-The microwave stand must be connected good to the floor and must be connected to the main earth bar of the shelter.
Fire Alarm Box:

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Sensor :
There are 3 sensors
1 sensor for the door
2 sensor for temperature which are adjusted for the temperature we need

Rectifier :

-It is used from AC 3 phase to DC
-The batteries, the link and the BTS cabinet through circuit breakers.

Out Door Components:
 more details about Antenna click here

-The antenna comes from it to the shelter from 2 to 4 feeders
-The feeder enter the shelter and is connected the RF cable.
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Electric generator with fuel in case of no Source Power for the site 

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