3G / UMTS Optimization lect (2) Idle Mode Behaviuor

What is Idle Mode? 

UE in IDLE MODE has the following properties :
-UE is Powered ON , while it doesn't have connection to the Radio Network
-UE is synchronized with Radio Network and can read broadcast information , Accordingly UE can access the Network request services .
-UE is registered on the network , updating Network with its LAC , Accordingly UE becomes reachable by the network.
Normal Service
When the UE select accepted level cell in its HPLMN
Limited Service
When the UE didn’t find any accepted level cells at its home PLMN it selects any accepted level cell at any other PLMN

PLMN Selection
–What is it ? And When it happens ? What are the types of PLMN selection
PLMN Selection is the process in which the UE decide which PLMN it should register
in and this process happens when the Mobile turned on or when the mobile returned
back from limiting service
–Automatic PLMN selection

–Manual PLMN selection

When the mobile powered on
The mobile uses information about the last registered PLMN (Freq, the stored neighbors before off)
Mobile search the strongest signal cells and read its system information to get (MCC and MNC)
If the chosen cell is accepted the mobile try to do the registration
If the last chosen cell not available or there is no stored info in the mobile USIM then the mobile might select any accepted PLMN automatically or manually 
In the automatic selection if no last register PLMN exists or available the Mobile will select the PLMN that is available and allowed as follow
HPLMN if not previously selected due to RAT
Each PLMN in User controlled PLMNs list in the USIM, in order of priority
Each PLMN in operator controlled PLMN list in the USIM, in order of priority
Other PLMNs according to the high quality criteria randomly the minimum CPICH RSCP power is -95dBm 
Other PLMNs that don’t fulfill high quality criteria  

#Manual PLMN Selection
 -UE displays all the available PLMNS after carriers scanning
 - All the available PLMNs will appear regardless it is allowed or not and ignoring the forbidden LACs 
*It is the services in which the user will be able to obtain services from another PLMN
-Same country (national roaming)
-Another country (international roaming)

*Every 30 minutes the UE try to reselect its home PLMN 

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Cell Search 

Cell selection procedure

-Squal = Qqualmeas  Qqualmin(For WCDMA)
#Qqualmeas is CPICH Ec/No
#Qqualmin is minimum required Ec/No

-Srxlev = Qrxlevmeas - Qrxlevmin– Pcompensation (For all cells)
#Qrxlevmeas is CPICH RSCP
#Qrxlevmin is minimum required RSCP

Pcompensation= max(UE_TXPWR_MAX_RACH – P_MAX, 0) (dB)
-P_MAX:maximum O/P power of the UE accoring to its class
-UE_TXPWR_MAX_RACH:maximum power used in accessing (SIB3)
-Pcompensation is introduced for UEs that cannot transmit at maximum power on the RACH in the cell. The cell range decreases for those UEs.
#The cell consider as accepted if
-Squal > 0   and
-Srxlev > 0

*from the Drive test Tems invetigation layer 3 messages we found that :

Cell selection occurs when
#When UE is switched on
#When UE in idle mode has had a number of failed RRC connection request
#UE returns to idle mode from connected mode (cell-DCH)
#When a UE returns to idle mode after an emergency call on any PLMN
#When a UE return to Idle mode from connection mode on common channel (cell-Fach) after a number of failed cell updated .
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Cell reselection procedure:

#When cell on which it is camping is no longer suitable 
#When there is any neighbor with better quality than the selected one 
#When the UE in the limited service state on an acceptable cell 
#When the UE is in cell _FACH state
#According to the cell reselection criteria. In order to perform cell ranking, the UE measures the serving cell and neighbor cells listed in SIB11 according to the measurement rules 
Measurement Rules fro cell reelection 
1. Intra frequency measurements starts when
                                  Squal <= Sintrasearch
SintraSearch : Controls when intra-frequency measurements are performed
                           (0 dBm-Not sent), Always measuring
2. Inter frequency measurements starts when
                                  Squal <= Sintersearch
Sintersearch : Controls when intra-frequency measurements are performed (0 dBm)
3.  GSM measurements starts when
                                  Squal  <= SsearchRAT
                          OR   Srxlev <= SHCS,RAT
SsearchRAT : Controls  quality Threshold at which GSM measurements are
                        performed (4 dBm)
SHCS,RAT     : Controls  Signal Strength Threshold at which GSM measurements
                        are performed (3 dBm)
#When the UE triggers a cell reselections procedure it starts ranking for the cell satisfy S-criteria (Squal > 0 and Srxlev > 0) and the ranking will be according R-criteria

Rs = Qmeas,s + Qhysts
Rn = Qmeas,n - Qoffsets,n

Qmeas: is the quality value of the received signal which is derived from  CPICH Ec/No or 
Qhysts: hystersis value sent to mobile in system information used to delay the reselection as possible on the LA boarders 
Qhyst1s  if the ranking based on CPICH RSCP
Qhyst2s if the ranking based on CPICH Ec/No

Qoffsets,n: is the offset between the serving and the neighbor cell also used to shift the cell boarder 
Qoffset1s,n : if the ranking based on RSCP, there are 2 Qoffset1s,n one for WCDMA neighbor and the other one for GSM neighbor.
Qoffset2s,n : if the ranking based on Ec/No 
#“Cell_selection_and_reselection_quality_measure information element”: is the parameter that determine if we will do the ranking based on RSCP or Ec/No 
#The UE reselect the better cell if it stay better for time interval more than Treselection
UMTS to UMTS cell Re-selection

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thanks to the legend Abdelrahman Fady who teach me these information and let me use his material to publish it 

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